Monday, November 15, 2010

Gerard Associates Ltd - QROPS Provider

At Gerard Associates Ltd we continue our daily look at factors affecting markets and currencies allowing some insight into conditions affecting exchange rates.
Cash and income timing from a UK Pension or QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme) should be considered to maximise the Pension, QROPS and investment income taken.
Investment market volatility and currency exchange remains a challenge. The global economics are volatile and unprecedented in history. Currency exchange continues to concern expats with UK Pensions, QROPS and now QNUPS (Qualifying non UK Pension schemes).

Thursday saw very little data following Veterans Day and therefore no releases fromthe United States or Canada. However, we did see sterling jump to 6-week highagainst the euro and a basket of other currencies after the Bank of England’squarterly inflation report lessened the chance of further quantitative easing. On top ofthis, the Euro was hurt by peripheral debt worries and the balance swung in favour ofthe pound.
The euro also came under pressure on concerns that Ireland may indeed need aGreek-style bailout, causing spreads between euro zone peripheral bond yields andtheir German counterparts to widen.
“The bond spreads are very serious and there is international concern throughout the
euro zone about that”, said Irish Finance Minister, Brian Lenihan.
Speaking at the Group of 20 summit in Seoul yesterday, European Commission
President, Jose Manual Barroso, said the EU was ready to move should Ireland needassistance.
Meanwhile, Irish bank shares fell sharply on Thursday, reflecting renewed jittersabout their exposure to their dire property market, with Allied Irish shedding 7% and the Bank of Ireland off 8.4%.
Currency traders did not have yields to turn to for direction, due to US bond marketsclosed for Veterans Day. Former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, hadhis opinion piece shared in the Financial Times accusing both the US and China ofdeliberately weakening their currencies, talking about how they manipulated thecurrency, a comment which will not be taken without defence by the US.
Treasury Secretary Geithner quickly fought back by saying the US “will never seek toweaken our currency as a tool to gain competitive advantage or to grow theeconomy”. This war of words clearly would not benefit the dollar but merelychallenges the actual motivations behind the Federal Reserve’s recent actions.
In the month of September, we saw the greenback depreciate by 6%, making itcheaper to overseas customers and foreign made goods more expensive to USconsumers. However, the Fed is revelling in the fact that the weak dollar is attractingmore demand from foreigners and explains why the central bank has no qualmsabout the dollar losing so much of its value. In fact, because if the risk of deflation,they want to keep the dollar weak.
On the other side of the world, we saw Australian economy reporting positive jobgrowth in 8 of the last 9 months. Although the quality ofjobs were very poor with part time employment rising and full time employmentfalling.

Gerard Associates Ltd advises expats and people considering living abroad on the technical and currency options available for Pensions, QROPS, QNUPS and investments in a clear format allowing all customers to make an informed choice. Our service encompasses Pension including QROPS and QNUPS and investments in a clear format allowing all customers to make an informed choice.
This with the reassurance and security of UK FSA authorised and regulated advice - essential for your security.

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